Welcome to the Quantum Defects and Photonics (QDP) Laboratory!

We are a research group working on quantum defects and quantum photonics in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University. Our lab explores defect-based spins in silicon with telecom optical interfaces as qubits for quantum information processing towards quantum networking and computing applications. We develop novel quantum optical and spin control techniques and protocols to manipulate the quantum states of the qubits and engineer interactions between them. On a system level, we aim to build hybrid integrated silicon quantum photonic chips consisting of spin-based quantum memories and other photonic circuit elements, as multiplexed quantum registers and repeaters, for realizing scalable hybrid quantum networks to connect different quantum systems.


We thank Rice and the following funding agencies for supporting our research!

Recent News

[12/1/2024] Xiang and Shengbin join the group!

We are glad to welcome two new lab members: Xiang Chen and Shengbin Yan. Xiang obtained his BS degree in 2024 from the University of Science and Technology of China and Shengbin got his BS degree in 2024 from the University of Michigan. Both of them will join the T center spin projects.

[11/4/2024] 2024 Rice Workshop on Functional Quantum Defects!

With the support from the Rice Center for Quantum Materials and Smalley-Curl Institute, we successfully held the 2024 Rice Workshop on Functional Quantum Defects! 

The workshop invited distinguished external speakers on quantum defects research across different solid-state quantum platforms, towards broad quantum applications including networking, transduction, sensing, and computation! Rice News Release.

[7/6/2024] Texas BBQ!

Ulises and Adam successfully defended their MS thesis on 6/27/2024 and 7/3/2024, respectively. Congratulations!

Junior students Qiyang Huang and Xiao Hu from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) will join us over the summer research internships. Qiyang will work on the cQED modeling and Xiao will work on the spectroscopy.

Looking forward for a productive summer!

[10/30/2023] First Lab Paper!

Adam, Ulises and Yu-En posted the group's first paper on arXiv today: "Cavity-coupled telecom atomic source in silicon" describing the Purcell enhancement of a single T center in a silicon nanophotonic cavity. The work uses photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy to probe single T centers and analyzes cavity-QED of the coupled system. This is a major step towards utilizing single T centers in silicon for quantum information processing and quantum networking applications. Rice News Release.

[Update 3/15/2024] Published in Nature Communications

[6/23/2023] NSF CAREER Award!

Songtao has been awarded the NSF CAREER award to study coherent control, measurement, and entanglement of single T-center qubits! Thanks NSF!

Rice News Release